Daily motivation with Rev. D.Singleton

Daily motivation with Rev. D.Singleton


The purpose of this podcast is to use the word of God to uplift,encourage,and provide spiritual guidance,to people from all over the world!

Recent Episodes

  • Not everyone will like you!

    1 year ago
  • We all have an ISSUE!

    1 year ago
  • Grow through your pain!

    1 year ago
  • Fret not yourself because of evil doers!

    1 year ago
  • Are you tired of being sick?

    1 year ago
  • How can I have peace ?

    1 year ago
  • Shackled and chained

    1 year ago
  • Faith under fire

    1 year ago
  • Stand on faith

    1 year ago
  • Rejoice in the Wilderness

    1 year ago