Building Great Lives Podcast

Building Great Lives Podcast


Building Great Lives podcast is a podcast about real life, facing real issues and finding real answers. Our mission… equipping listeners from around the world grow, heal, find and fulfill their life purpose. Have you ever had difficult questions? Are you ready to find answers?Have you ever been hurt?Are you ready to be healed? Have you ever felt like you were just wondering through life?Are you ready to find direction, pursueyour passion and fulfill your purpose?The Building Great Lives podcast strives to offers biblical, yet practical solutions to life’s complicated problems.Jesus said… Upon this rock I will build my church… The church is more than the place we gather to worship. We the people are the church. Jesus was telling Peter, “I want to build people! Great lives are not born, they are built one day at a time. Let’s start building!

Recent Episodes

  • You Can Be Made Whole

    1 week ago
  • How To Find and Follow The Will of God

    2 weeks ago
  • How To Be Angry and Not Sin

    3 weeks ago
  • Who Is My Neighbor?

    1 month ago
  • Can God Trust You?

    1 month ago
  • How to Grow Your Trust in God

    2 months ago
  • Your Story is Still Being Written

    2 months ago
  • Does God Expect Us To Do The Impossible?

    3 months ago
  • How to Survive the Between Places

    3 months ago
  • Mercy Is Not Afraid

    4 months ago