A Voice for Our Time

A Voice for Our Time


Virginia born, Florida raised, got to Texas as soon as she could, this sunshine girl speaks truth and inspires everyone to influence the world around them. Always encouraging leaders, loving people, sharing Christ and changing the atmosphere around her. Connect, learn, and grow with prolific communicator Charlana Kelly as she imparts the wisdom, courage, and strength you need today. She is a voice for our time.

Recent Episodes

  • Power & Purpose... You are Not Here by Accident

    7 years ago
  • The Many Faces of Need: Beauty Arising from the Ashes of Damaged Lives

    8 years ago
  • Redefining Love a Danger to the Church & Church Leaders

    8 years ago
  • America The Real Battle

    8 years ago
  • Christian! Did You Know?

    8 years ago
  • How Going Deep in Your Heart with God Prepares You for More, Much More

    8 years ago
  • How to Put to Rest the Love v. Judgement Dilemma Facing Christians Today

    8 years ago
  • Enforce Heaven, Set Fear to Flight, & Put Evil in its Place

    8 years ago