The Church that had to Die

The Church that had to Die


My name is Josh. In 2017, me and 15 other individuals set out on an adventure of a lifetime… to plant a church. Little did I know at the time, but we were unknowingly planting an unbiblical church. The following years would bring much drama, heartache, difficulties, and quite honestly failure. Then God woke us up. This is the story of how God brought a church from death to life. This is the story of the church that had to die.

Recent Episodes

  • Covid, Devils, and The Stage Part 2

    2 years ago
  • Covid, Devils, and the Stage Part 1

    2 years ago
  • You Get More Flies with Honey

    2 years ago
  • We Planted a... Brand

    2 years ago
  • Not the start we wanted, but the start we needed.

    2 years ago
  • The Bronze Snake

    2 years ago
  • Season 1 Trailer

    2 years ago