Revitalize & Replant with Thom Rainer

Revitalize & Replant with Thom Rainer


Featuring Thom Rainer, Mark Clifton, and Kevin Ezell, Revitalize & Replant is presented by the North American Mission Board. Revitalize & Replant is a weekly discussion on church revitalization and replanting.

We often hear from church leaders who desire to know exactly what success looks like in a church revitalization. The word “success” is loaded and tends to evoke a lot of emotions. In this three-part series, Mark and Thom provide clarity and guidance about this term. In the second episode, they look at why numerical growth is not always a measure of church revitalization success.

The post Defining Success in a Church Revitalization: A Three-Part Series – Part 2: Why Numerical Growth Is Not Always the Best Indicator of Success appeared first on Church Answers.

Recent Episodes

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  • Overcoming the 9 Greatest Fears in Church Revitalization – A Three-Part Series – Part 2 of 3

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