Reproducing Churches

Reproducing Churches


Have you ever wished that you had an avenue to ask questions to church leaders who have cracked the church multiplication code? Well, that’s what this podcast is designed to bring you – an inside look at churches who are reproducing churches who are reproducing churches amazingly well. All of these episodes are designed to help your church become the level 5 church that it was designed to be. We know this journey won’t happen over night but the hope is to give you some practical tools in your church multiplication journey. A Journey of Multiplication — Vance Pitman, Hope Church Las Vegas Vance Pitman is the Senior Pastor of Hope Church Las Vegas, a church plant of First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia. His expositional teachings and command of the diverse biblical vernacular captivate his audience and urge them to ask, “How can I be more involved in the Kingdom?”In this podcast, hear from Vance as he shares his heart behind his journey through church multiplication over the years.“You’ve got to get to that place of surrendering and realizing that that as a church planter and pastor, your job is not to grow a church,” Vance says. “Your job is to introduce people to the King, disciple them in kingdom living, and then send them out for the expansion of God’s kingdom — which is a radically different mindset than I’d come from… our calling is the expansion of his kingdom and we’re to surrender everything — daily surrender in ministry, surrender of the ministry, all of that is what it’s really all about.”Check out this podcast, and why not go ahead and subscribe and leave us a review to help others find our podcast? It’s a small way that you can be a part of helping us accelerate multiplication!

Recent Episodes

  • A Journey of Multiplication — Vance Pitman, Hope Church Las Vegas

    4 years ago
  • Multiplication Bingo — Kevin Barnhart, Evangelical Free Church

    4 years ago
  • How to Start a Residency — Ray Chang of the Ambassador Church Network

    4 years ago
  • Prepping for the Future of Church Multiplication — Peter Mueller of the ACTS Church Network

    4 years ago
  • A Church of House Churches — Jason Shepperd of Church Project

    4 years ago
  • A New Set of Blueprints — Jeff Leake of Allison Park Church

    4 years ago
  • From Dead-End Kid to Multiplying Leader – Jeff Ludington of Generations Church

    4 years ago
  • From 30 Members to 30 Churches – Mark Hallock of Calvary Church

    4 years ago
  • Going Bivo As A Multiplication Strategy – Stu Streeter of Disciples Church

    4 years ago
  • Beauty for Ashes – Josh Husmann of Mercy Road Church

    4 years ago