P.R.A.I.S.E. Podcast

P.R.A.I.S.E. Podcast


Eric and Brooke are worship leaders and creatives in the local church who are passionate about hosting open and real-time conversations that challenge and encourage others in their faith journey. Whether you work in full time ministry, you’re a dedicated volunteer at your church, or completely new to your walk with Jesus , this is a resource for you.

Recent Episodes


    1 week ago
  • The Great Confession

    3 weeks ago
  • The Good Shepherd

    1 month ago
  • Unity is on You

    2 months ago
  • Use it or Lose it

    2 months ago
  • What's On Our Mind?

    3 months ago
  • How Do You Hear From God?

    3 months ago
  • Holy is Hard

    4 months ago
  • Five Burning Questions

    4 months ago
  • Navigating Life in the in Between

    5 months ago