Kootenai Church: Biblical Eldership

Kootenai Church: Biblical Eldership


This series of Adult Sunday School lessons was taught by Dave Rich, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church. For more sermon series and verse-by-verse expository preaching, please visit https://kootenaichurch.org and click on the KCC Audio Archive.

Recent Episodes

  • The Women (1 Timothy 3:11)

    16 years ago
  • The Role and Function of Deacons (Acts 6 & 1 Timothy 3)

    16 years ago
  • Motivation For Elders (1 Peter 5:1-5)

    16 years ago
  • Honoring Elders (1 Timothy 5:17-25)

    16 years ago
  • Qualifications of Elders in Titus (Titus 1)

    16 years ago
  • Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy - Part 4 (1 Timothy 3)

    16 years ago
  • Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy - Part 3 (1 Timothy 3)

    16 years ago
  • Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy - Part 2 (1 Timothy 3)

    16 years ago
  • Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy – Part 1 (1 Timothy 3)

    16 years ago
  • Eldership in the General Epistles (Galatians 6, 1 Thessalonians 5, Philippians 1)

    16 years ago