Grow With Us

Grow With Us


Hey! My name is Tanner Devereaux I serve as one of the pastors at Way Maker Baptist Church in South Omaha, NE. My wife and I answered God’s call to plant churches through the SEND Network and Heartland Church Network last year and we are currently enrolled as resident church planters, and co-planting with my wife’s parents Rick and Sherri Lechner at Way Maker BC. I am an 11 time felon that God saved in 2018 in a prison in the state of Missouri, since then I have now finished parole, and by God’s grace left that path behind me. When Jesus came into my life it was like getting hit by a log truck, I’ve never been the same since! God has been generous to me, I have been married to my bride Naomi for almost a year and a half now, and we have our first kid on the way. I currently study at MBTS at Spurgeon College and seek to Glorify God, Equip the Saints, and Make Disciples that Multiply.

Recent Episodes

  • The God of the Bible in Salvation: Selected Scriptures

    2 years ago
  • The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Deception: 1 John 4:1-6

    2 years ago
  • Tools of the Trade: Romans 5:1-8

    2 years ago
  • The Assurance of the Holy Spirit: 1 John 3:24

    2 years ago
  • A Fathers Charge: 1 Chronicles 28:9-10

    2 years ago
  • A life Worth Living is a Life of Love: 1 John 3:14-23

    2 years ago
  • Continuing Steadfastly Part 2: Acts 2:42-47

    2 years ago
  • Continuing Steadfastly: Acts 2:40-42

    2 years ago
  • Personal Testimony

    2 years ago
  • Love and Sacrifice 1 John 3:11-13

    2 years ago