Good Christian People

Good Christian People


Tim and Jeff are life-long friends and pastors desperately trying to reclaim the reputation of the Church by taking an honest look at their flaws – corporate and individual – and trying to figure out how to look more like Jesus. With a half-serious approach to serious issues plaguing the Church, they’ll address critical, hot-button topics, confess their sins, and probably lose some friends in the process. What fun!

Recent Episodes

  • The SBC Round-up and the Pirates Who Didn't Do Anything

    3 years ago
  • Strong Women Fix The Church

    3 years ago
  • And Now For Something Lighter: What Does It Mean To Be Pro-Life?

    3 years ago
  • Tension Culture: Violence, Pacifism and the Christian, pt. 2

    3 years ago
  • Tension Culture: Violence, Pacifism and the Christian, pt. 1

    3 years ago
  • Tension Culture: Policing

    3 years ago
  • Tension Culture: Police Brutality

    3 years ago
  • Great Christian Person: David Rajan

    3 years ago
  • George Floyd, Derek Chauvin and Justice.

    3 years ago
  • Catching Up, Looking Ahead, and the Cutting Room Floor

    3 years ago