Ephesiology [n. ih·fē·zē·äləʒē]: The Study of the Ephesian Movement

Ephesiology [n. ih·fē·zē·äləʒē]: The Study of the Ephesian Movement


Ephesiology [n. ih·fē·zē·äləʒē]: The Study of the Ephesian Movement Studying the Christian Movement in Ephesus is a community conversation about the most significant church-planting movement in the early church, with 40 percent of the New Testament texts relating to it. What made that city the epicenter of the movement? And how can we replicate sustained movements in a world that feels so different? This is not another methodology or attempt to re-contextualize evangelicalism. Rather, it is a look at the story of how the Holy Spirit still changes lives, cities, and the world. The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill has been one of this year’s most popular podcast series. On this Ephesiology Podcast, we begin to unpack the issues in light of an Ephesiological framework for a New Testament movement. Andrew and Matt lead the discussion from places of personal experience with leaders who have abused their authority in ministry. Don’t miss this longer than usual episode of the Ephesiology Podcast.Continue reading Ep 104: What has Ephesiology to do with Mars Hill? →

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