Ciencia, Fe y Esperanza

Ciencia, Fe y Esperanza


We help the Hispanic faith community embrace the truths of science within the context of the church. This project addresses the resultant loss of Hispanic youth from both the church and STEM fields. Ciencia, Fe Y Esperanza creates a vehicle for faith-based students and science professionals to engage with clergy and their congregants about science as a vocation for people of faith. For more information visit

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 8 : This is What we have learned about Science, Faith, and Esperanza

    4 years ago
  • Episodes 7B: The God of Creation and the Confluence of Theology and Science: An In-depth Dialogue with Theologians

    4 years ago
  • Episodes 7A: The God of Creation and the Confluence of Theology and Science: An In-depth Dialogue with Theologians

    4 years ago
  • Episode 6: A Faith-based Approach to Science: An In-depth Dialogue with Scientists.

    4 years ago
  • Episode 5: Helping Hispanic High School Students to consider STEM as a Vocation and a Calling

    4 years ago
  • Episode 4: Preparing our Children for the Future: What parents and Congregations Need to Know About Science and Faith.

    4 years ago
  • Episode 3: A Dialogue with College Students: The Challenge of STEM for Hispanic Students.

    4 years ago
  • Episode 2B: What are Pastors Saying About Current Events: A Discussion About Faith, Science, and COVID-19.

    4 years ago
  • Episode 2A: What are Pastors Saying About Current Events: A Discussion About Faith, Science, and COVID-19.

    4 years ago
  • Episode 1: Introduction to Ciencia Fe y Esperanza: An In-depth Discussion on Esperanza’s Newest Project.

    4 years ago