Building a Stronger Sunday with Steven J Barker

Building a Stronger Sunday with Steven J Barker


Church is messy. It has been right from the very beginning. It will never be perfect, but it should be getting stronger every Sunday. On Building a Stronger Sunday, join Steven J Barker and discover how to move from dreaming about a stronger church to executing that vision. Our goal is to help you build stronger teams, deliver more helpful content, and lead with more focus. In this month’s podcast, Steven talks about disappointment and why it feels like the curse of leadership. We talk about how to combat it and some practical ideas to help overcome disappointment.

Recent Episodes

  • June Podcast: Disappointment - The Curse of Leadership

    5 years ago
  • May Podcast: Why Every Pastor Should Practice PechaKucha

    5 years ago
  • April Podcast: The Balance Between Loving Your City & Your Church

    5 years ago
  • March Podcast: How The Death of Mass Marketing is Changing Churches

    5 years ago
  • February Podcast: Why An Audience Disengages

    5 years ago
  • January Podcast: The Two Hats Every Pastor Wears

    6 years ago