A Hymn for That

A Hymn for That


You’re listening to A Hymn for That by Hymns Illustrated, where you’ll be encouraged to look at everyday life and news events with a biblical worldview. In nearly every episode, you will discover — or rediscover — a “hymn for that” to help you remember truth when you need it the most.

Every episode is an example of Colossians 3:16 in action: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Recent Episodes

  • A Hymn for Earthquakes

    11 months ago
  • A Hymn for Heat Waves

    11 months ago
  • A Hymn for Back to School

    12 months ago
  • A Hymn for Watering Plants

    1 year ago
  • #38: A Hymn for Midsummer (Plus, a New Podcast Name and the Why Behind It)

    1 year ago
  • #37: The Joy Factor: Unpacking Joy vs. Happiness and What to Do When We Don't Feel Like Singing Hymns

    1 year ago
  • #36: Hymn Story: Until Then by Stuart Hamblen

    1 year ago
  • #35: The Heartbeat Behind Hymns Illustrated (Plus + HOM for March & Special Announcement)

    1 year ago
  • #34: What Christmas Hope Looks Like (Plus, Some Plans for 2023)

    2 years ago
  • #33: A Hymn for Urgent Needs, A Hymn Connection to Coffee and some News

    2 years ago