With the Bible thru the year

With the Bible thru the year


Welcome to this podcast: With the Bible thru the year Our desire is to simply spend a few minutes each day on the word of God, to reflect on it, meditate on it, an I know that as we do so, the Spirit of the Living God will do something in us that only He can do. Would you help us share this project with those around you? Thanks!

Recent Episodes

  • Day 129: Jesus clears the temple

    1 year ago
  • Day 128: The wedding at Cana

    1 year ago
  • Day 127: The first disciples

    1 year ago
  • Day 126: Jesus, the lamb of God

    1 year ago
  • Day 125: The testimony of John the Baptist

    1 year ago
  • Day 124: Christ the eternal word

    1 year ago
  • Day 123: The great commission

    1 year ago
  • Day 122: The guards' report

    1 year ago
  • Day 121: The resurrection

    1 year ago
  • Day 120: The guard at the tomb

    1 year ago