My Chair

My Chair


Join host, Pastor Sarah Burtt, as she explores the daily readings and devotional content through the I AM Jesus series. This is a great podcast to listen to on your commute, a quick drive to the store, or in the morning after your own chair time. Approx 5mins. Released daily at 5:00am EST. Join Pastor Sarah Burtt on a journey through Lent as she explores some of the ancient spiritual formation practices of the Church. In all four gospels are recorded numerous occasions when Jesus said, “follow me.” Jesus invites His followers to spend…

Recent Episodes

  • Monday

    2 years ago
  • Good Friday Examen

    2 years ago
  • Wednesday - The Final Meal

    2 years ago
  • Monday Holy Week - Fixed Hour Prayer

    2 years ago
  • Friday - Examen

    2 years ago
  • Wednesday - Mark 9:1-8

    2 years ago
  • Monday - Solitude

    2 years ago
  • Examen (Wk 5)

    2 years ago
  • John 8:1-11

    2 years ago
  • Silence (MyChair)

    2 years ago