5 Minute Daily Bible Meditation

5 Minute Daily Bible Meditation


Why Listen? Life is hard, but God is good. We shouldn’t go through life’s struggles alone. We’re not made that way. We need help. We need guidance and support.If you need: Healing, Comfort, Wisdom, Courage, Rest, More faith, Guidance, Focus, then, this Podcast is for you. There’s only one verse per episode. Listen to a verse daily. Meditate on that verse. Then hear what God is saying to you.Each episode has a spoken Bible verse and is 5 minutes long with either a soft background track of either nature sounds or soft music. Joshua 1:8: This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.Please visit the Website www.godspromisespodcast.com for more information. #christian #bible #meditation #wordofgod #startingover #guidance #support #faith #courage #rest #Jesus #prayer

Recent Episodes

  • Day 240: Jesus is your security- Psalm 23:6

    1 year ago
  • Day 239:Jesus is your security-Jude 24-25

    1 year ago
  • Day 238:Jesus is your security-2 Corinthians 1:22

    1 year ago
  • Day 237:Jesus is your security-2 Thes. 3:3

    1 year ago
  • Day 236:Jesus is your security-Phil. 1:6

    1 year ago
  • Day 235:Jesus is your security-Romans 8:38-39

    1 year ago
  • Day 234:Jesus is your security-John 10:27-29

    1 year ago
  • Day 233:Jesus is your security-John 6:37

    1 year ago
  • Day 232:Jesus is your security-1 Peter 1:3-5

    1 year ago
  • Day 231:Jesus is your security-Eph 1:13

    1 year ago