Missional Church Conversations – The Digital Ministry of Charlie Gross
by The Rev. Charlie Gross
November 2, 2010 11:00 pm
This is a podcast series for many missional conversations and ideas to bless the world through God’s love in Jesus Christ! The conversations were started in 2010, when I served as the Associate Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Donegal. The podcasts were recorded by Charlie Gross as a ministry of the Presbytery of Donegal, for the purpose of building up the body of Christ. I am indebted to those who gave of their time so generously for producing these works. My hope is that these conversations will continue as I work in other ministry areas. To respond to me via email, send your comments to coach@empoweringencouragement.com May the Lord Richly Bless You
Recent Episodes
1 - First Conversation in the podcast series called Missional Church Conversations - making it real
15 years ago2 - Second Conversation for a podcast series called Missional Church Conversations - making it real
15 years ago3 - This is the third conversation in the series of Missional Church Conversations - making it real
15 years ago4 - This is the fourth conversation in the series of Missional Church Conversations - making it real
15 years ago5 - This is the fifth conversation in the series of Missional Church Conversations - making it real
15 years ago6 - This is the sixth conversation in the series of Missional Church Conversations - making it real
15 years ago7 - This is the seventh conversation in the series of Missional Church Conversations - making it real
14 years ago8 - The Blue Challenge Offering
14 years ago9 - Reggie McNeal's Missional Renaissance - quick notes
55 years agoReggie McNeal's Missional Renaissance - quick notes
55 years ago