Genesis (Messianic) – The Harvest
by Torah Teacher Ariel ben-Lyman HaNaviy
October 19, 2014 5:00 am
We invite and encourage you to join the reading schedule that has so inspired the Jewish community since before the birth of “The Church.” At the same time, we challenge you to read the portions on your own, mining God’s rich, spiritual garden, gleaning the precious nuggets that lay in store for you. A Messianic commentary for each portion has been provided to assist you in your journey to become a more mature child of HaShem. May His Spirit richly bless you as you “Study to show thyself approved!” 2 Timothy 2:15
Recent Episodes
01 B’resheet (Part A) - In the beginning - Genesis 1:1-6:8
10 years ago01 B’resheet (Part B) - In the beginning - Genesis 1:1-6:8
10 years ago02 Noach - Noah - Genesis 6:9-11:32
10 years ago03 Lekh L'kha (Part A) - Get yourself out - Genesis 12:1-17:27
10 years ago03 Lekh L'kha (Part B) - Get yourself out - Genesis 12:1-17:27
10 years ago04 Vayera (Part A) - He appeared - Genesis 18:1-22:24
10 years ago04 Vayera (Part B) - He appeared - Genesis 18:1-22:24
10 years ago05 Hayyei-Sarah - Sarah’s life - Genesis 23:1-25:18
10 years ago06 Tol’dot (Part A) - History - Genesis 25:19-28:9
10 years ago06 Tol’dot (Part B) - History - Genesis 25:19-28:9
10 years ago