We are God Picasso’s

We are God Picasso’s


Welcome to We are God Picasso’s podcast. If you are an individual who desires to create, nurture, and maintain community through manifesting their purpose by forming a deeper intimate relationship with God, join this uniquely fostered platform created especially for us. Establishing intimacy with God is about bringing who you authentically are to the forefront. I invite you to become vulnerable in a judgement-free space tailored to teach you how to tap into the best version of yourself. I introduce you with an open heart into this space that God designed specifically for us to bond and enrichened our roots. Tap into your destiny. You hear that calling run towards it. Everything that makes you stand out from the crowd makes you a God Picasso.

Recent Episodes

  • Love yourself or NOBODY will!

    5 years ago
  • Be about that life!

    5 years ago
  • Beat that cycle

    5 years ago
  • Getaway Plan

    5 years ago
  • Forgiving isnt Forgetting!

    5 years ago
  • ***Bonus Episode*** Trust the Positioning

    5 years ago
  • God's gratuity?!

    5 years ago