Rescuing Jesus and America from the Religious Right

Rescuing Jesus and America from the Religious Right


(NOTE: Some of these podcasts were recorded during the Bush Administration and the material is rather dated. However the overarching danger presented by the Religious Right still exists, and the information contained in these podcasts is still relevant. New episodes [2010] will be identified by RJ 2.0 in the title.) Jesus instructed us to be righteous, to be meek, to be pure of heart, to be merciful, and to be peacemakers. How well do you think that the members of the religious right are doing at following his instructions?

Recent Episodes

  • RJ 2.02: Sharia Law in America?

    14 years ago
  • RJ 2.01: The so-called "Ground Zero" Mosque

    14 years ago
  • RJ 2.0 Introduction and "Christian Nation"

    14 years ago
  • Rescuing Jesus: Introducing A New Podcast

    15 years ago
  • Rescuing Jesus: "The War On Christmas"?

    15 years ago
  • Rescuing Jesus Episode 2

    15 years ago
  • Rescuing Jesus:The Da Vinci Code

    15 years ago
  • Rescuing Jesus: Special Edition

    15 years ago
  • Rescuing Jesus: Episode One

    15 years ago