PK Reads Podcast
by Kevin B. Cain
March 31, 2020 2:56 pm
Pastor Kevin B. Cain Reads Podcast. Kevin B. Cain’s The Humility of Being Found: A Journey To Rescue, chronicles humanity’s journey to be rescued and the guaranteed encounter with our Messianic Rescuer, Jesus. Amidst life’s struggles, no one should fight against the Rescuer. Each must choose humility and find rescue in the Gospel.
Recent Episodes
Interlude; Bearing the Christ Who Bears Our Wounds
5 years agoA concluding wait for what we know to be true
5 years agoMorning has broken
5 years agoMeditation of silence
5 years agoWorship to midnight; Midnight to dawn worship
5 years agoMore silence and darkness; Worship and waiting for the resurrected Lord
5 years agoMiddle-of-the-day darkness; The death of Jesus
5 years agoThieves on flanking crosses
5 years agoCrucifixion
5 years agoSimon's change of heart
5 years ago