Not Your Pastors Podcast
by Not Your Pastor's Podcast
October 28, 2019 1:33 am
Based in 1996 two fictional want-to-be pastors, Alex and Jason recount the brutal butcherings of the Bible they were exposed to in the evangelical church. Then, as any low-budget 90s VHS christian special would, they travel to the future (present day) to see the impacts and repercussions of those teachings. Don’t be left behind, listen today!
Recent Episodes
03 - Harvest Party From Hell: Podcast of horrors 4
5 years ago02 - You Have No Idea: Exploring Christian Suicide with Steve Austin and Robert Vore
5 years ago01 - You've Been Left Behind: The Rapture with Zack Hunt
6 years ago89 - The Last Episode Before The 90s
6 years ago88 - Kerri Rawson, Daughter of BTK Serial Killer
6 years ago87 - Excommunication and Renewal With Brandon Carleton
6 years ago86 - Disability In The Church with Christina Spaeth
6 years ago85 - Loving Difficult People (Pt 1)
6 years ago84 - How We Interpret The Bible (spoiler: the text only has one meaning)
6 years ago83 - Will Somebody Think Of The Children!?
6 years ago