JOHN CHOQUE is Touching People For Heaven
November 14, 2024 3:04 am
Greetings my friend! Thank you for your faith. As a preacher; I preach, minister, and build from a perspective of living on the road as a trucker for most of my life, forty years and well over three million miles. The road is a hard lifestyle, and thus builds a hard preaching style. Being direct and having a mindset that says, I may never see you again, puts grit into my ministry. Turn onto JESUS… because, this may be your last opportunity. We don’t know what’s around the next bend in the road. Give JESUS a call. Like the word of truth says in Acts 2:21 King James Bible. —JC.
Recent Episodes
TUESDAY TRUTH CLASS — "What wickedness is this that is done among you?" (look at verse 12, Judges 20)." — November 12, 2024.
3 days agoMONDAY TRUTH CLASS — "There was a man... whose name was... " — November 11, 2024.
5 days agoFRIDAY TRUTH CLASS — "When serving Christ and becoming faint and tired yet we keep pursuing." November 8, 2024.
1 week agoTHURSDAY TRUTH CLASS — "When we do things that God doesn't like, what does he do?" November 7, 2024.
1 week agoWEDNESDAY TRUTH CLASS — "The highways were unoccupied and the travellers walked through byways." November 6, 2024.
1 week agoTUESDAY TRUTH CLASS — "The best counsel is to ask the Lord what should be done." November 5, 2024.
2 weeks agoSUNDAY STREET SERMON — “The blessing of the LORD." November 3, 2024.
2 weeks agoMONDAY TRUTH CLASS — "Take diligent heed to love the LORD your God... ❤️" November 4, 2024.
2 weeks agoFRIDAY TRUTH CLASS — "So Joshua came and all the people of war with him." November 1, 2024.
2 weeks agoTHURSDAY TRUTH CLASS — "The sun stood still and the moon stayed (because Joshua spake to it)." October 31, 2024.
2 weeks ago