The Shop: Real Talk About the Lord

The Shop: Real Talk About the Lord


Welcome to the OSL’s podcast titled “The Shop: Real talk about the Lord”. Tune in each week to hear engaging conversations from OSL Staff and members of the church family. We’ll discuss life, the Christian faith, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the modern world. It’s real talk about real faith in THE real God.

Recent Episodes

  • Sunday Preview: False shepherds?

    5 days ago
  • Sunday Preview: Are we listening to His Word?

    2 weeks ago
  • Sunday Preview: My grace is sufficient for you...

    3 weeks ago
  • Sunday Preview: "Daughter, your faith has made you well"

    4 weeks ago
  • Sunday Preview: Thanks be to God the tent is temporary!

    1 month ago
  • Sunday Preview: It's truly for our GOOD, our GAIN, and our BENEFIT

    2 months ago
  • Sunday Preview: "Here I am! Send me."

    2 months ago
  • Sunday Preview: The Spirit...a.k.a...the Helper

    2 months ago
  • Sunday Preview: Wait for the Lord

    2 months ago
  • Sunday Preview: "I chose you"

    3 months ago