Presence Over Pain

Presence Over Pain


Presence Over Pain is a journey into the heart of the Father for His children. On the way, we will discover the joy of His presence over circumstances, sin, and persecution. Timothy Keller once said, “Job never saw why he suffered, but he saw God, and that was enough.” The suffering we face—and make no mistake, we will face it—has an unsettling quality. Are we alone? Has God forgotten? Does He even care? These are common questions pain produces. The promise of God is that He will ultimately wipe every tear from every eye (see Revelation 21), but there must be a bridge from present experience

Recent Episodes

  • Episode Five - Getting Personal

    1 year ago
  • Episode Four - Confession our declaration

    1 year ago
  • Episode Three - Community our Support

    1 year ago
  • Episode Two - Jesus our example

    1 year ago
  • Episode One - Setting the stage

    1 year ago
  • Presence Over Pain - Trailer

    1 year ago