ABP – King James Version – One Hour A Day – January Start

ABP – King James Version – One Hour A Day – January Start


Listen through the King James Bible four times in a year (about an hour a day). Each daily episode contains chapters from the Old Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, and the New Testament. Narrated by Dan Wagner. Copyrighted by audioscriptures.org. Used with permission. To create a custom listening schedule please visit audiobiblepodcast.com.

Recent Episodes

  • Day 207: 20 Proverbs 20-21; 22 Song of Soloman 5-8; 23 Isaiah 1-5; 19 Psalms 117-118; 19 Psalms119 89-176; 66 Revelation 11-17

    1 year ago
  • Day 208: 20 Proverbs 22-23; 23 Isaiah 6-13; 19 Psalms119 1-88; 66 Revelation 18-22

    1 year ago
  • Day 209: 20 Proverbs 24-25; 23 Isaiah 14-23; 19 Psalms 120-130; 40 Matthew 1-5

    1 year ago
  • Day 210: 20 Proverbs 26-27; 23 Isaiah 24-30; 19 Psalms 131-136; 40 Matthew 6-10

    1 year ago
  • Day 211: 20 Proverbs 28-29; 23 Isaiah 31-37; 19 Psalms 137-141; 40 Matthew 11-13

    1 year ago
  • Day 212: 20 Proverbs 30-31; 23 Isaiah 38-44; 19 Psalms 142-146; 40 Matthew 14-17

    1 year ago
  • Day 213: 20 Proverbs 1-2; 23 Isaiah 45-51; 19 Psalms 147-150, 1-4; 40 Matthew 18-21

    12 months ago
  • Day 214: 20 Proverbs 3-4; 23 Isaiah 52-60; 19 Psalms 5-10; 40 Matthew 22-25

    12 months ago
  • Day 215: 20 Proverbs 5-6; 23 Isaiah 61-66; 24 Jeremiah 1-2; 19 Psalms 11-17; 40 Matthew 26-28

    12 months ago
  • Day 216: 20 Proverbs 7-9; 24 Jeremiah 3-7; 19 Psalms 18-21; 41 Mark 1-5

    12 months ago