16. Tattva Bodha- Europe Series- How to know the reality
by Girish Jha, Coach & Mentor
March 1, 2020 4:01 am
Tattva Bodha means knowledge of self or reality leads to awakening in deep meditate state. This reality is known y the process known as Tattva Viveka or practices. The method only helps when a person becomes a seeker. One becomes the seeker only when one follows the four-fold practices. The four-fold practices can only be done person who succeeds in understanding four connections or inner orientation.
Everyone on the path of awakening has to follow the same principles and practices personalized by masters for students and seekers on the path. The great master Shankara wrote this text.
The series is personalized teachings to seekers and students treading the path. Every time, a student approaches, teacher personalizes the teachings to maximize the benefits
However the series helps one to discover intellectually, why and how Buddha was awakened. Why and how many masters realized their essential nature?
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