Be Boujee. Be Hippie.

Be Boujee. Be Hippie.


On this podcast we focus on you. You’re married, parenting, working and trying to find time to actually live a good life amidst a jammed packed scheduled. We get it and we’re going to talk about it all .No topic is off limits! Come hang out with us, Eileen and Jimmy as we discuss relationships, building business, prioritizing mental health, getting in shape, intimacy and helping you create a life you love , together. We keep it real, honest and relatable.

Recent Episodes

  • I'm Still Grossed Out: Sometimes You gotta roll with the Punches .

    2 weeks ago
  • Who Gets Your Energy?

    2 weeks ago
  • Manifesting & Setting Goals as a Couple

    3 weeks ago
  • 15 Ways to Break Negative Thinking Patterns and Shift Your Vibration Quickly

    3 weeks ago
  • How to Follow Your Dreams AND Make Time for Family & Relationships

    4 weeks ago
  • S2 #4 Use the 12 Universal Laws to create a life you LOVE.

    1 month ago
  • S2 #3 Unlocking the Power of the 12 Universal Laws

    1 month ago
  • S2 #2 Parenthood: Prioritizing Self-Care and a Couple's Relationship for Effective Parenting.

    1 month ago
  • S2#1 Welcome Back! Today's Topic: Ask Your Guides

    2 months ago
  • Morning Routine: rasie your vibe , keep decision fatigue at bay and come into alignment with the best version of YOU.

    1 year ago