Up The Vibe

Up The Vibe


Hello and welcome to the Up The Vibe podcast. I am Joe Hodgson and I will be having discussions various other collaborators on consciousness, UFOs, dimensions, ET races and all manner of topics that are of interest. The last few years have been rather eye opening for me and I have been down many bizarre rabbit holes as I try to discover the truth about who we are, how it all began and what is the true nature of reality. On this journey I have also become more and more aware of how important it is for us all to up the vibe and raise our consciousness so that we are not caught up in continuous cycles of war and division anymore. Instead, we can look forward to a future of peace and unity which will in time allow us to become a galactic species. There are many forces working extremely hard to stop our planetary ascension but by having these discussions and by opening our minds to a myriad of amazing possibilities for humanity, we can ensure our paths are towards the light and not the dark. I hope you will enjoy listening to our discussions, we are a group of individuals that found each other with the CE5 protocols which are becoming more and more popular as people want to know more about our place in the universe and whether there is intelligent life out there in the cosmos. Although Steven Greer’s CE5 protocols have brought us together and we have had some success dipping our feet in initiating contact with other intelligent beings, it has also been a great way to bring together like minded individuals who are spiritual, open minded and eager to help in any way they can to assist humanity in its path to ascension.

Recent Episodes

  • #34 The SEPI Agency | David Jon

    2 days ago
  • #33 Out-of-body exploring | Preston Dennett

    3 weeks ago
  • #32 The Disappearance Of Malaysia Flight MH370 | Ashton Forbes

    5 months ago
  • #31 Updates from JCETI | Greg Sullivan

    9 months ago
  • #30 The Thiaoouba Prophecy | Samuel Chong

    1 year ago
  • #29 Swapcast with Into The Wyrde | Holly Wood

    1 year ago
  • #28 The Eden Conspiracy | Paul Wallis

    1 year ago
  • #27 Swapcast with Project Unity | Jay Anderson

    1 year ago
  • #26 The re-carving of the Sphinx | Rob Neyland

    1 year ago
  • #25 The Penniston Code and Atlantis | Gary Osborn, Dr. Manu Seyfzadeh

    1 year ago