Live Your Life Be Free

Live Your Life Be Free


I believe that people who are willing to stop instead of constantly chasing the solutions and are not afraid to fall and get up can change their lives for the better, and in that way, they can change the world for the better. You need to think out of the box, you need to go out of the safe, cozy, predictable, and known world and cross the threshold of certainty into the vastness of the unknown. I do that! I found a way how to be just that person. I worked, suffered, got tired, fell, and got up. Again, and again and again. I am still doing that, and I can teach you how to do the same. I am a spiritual teacher and healer and ambassador of spirituality in business

We all want to be worthy, loved, liked, good, and winners… These are the qualities that were for most of us more valuable than the rest of our conditions, or feelings. That dynamic is driving us to aim for perfection that is separating us from our true selves, from our humanity. We distance ourselves from those parts of us that were not validated or seen or acknowledged. What if we can meet perfection and all those parts of ourselves differently? What if we can come closer to all those parts and stay?

Recent Episodes

  • Come Closer Episode#2 - Perfection

    2 years ago
  • Come Closer with Uroš & Tadeja - Episode #1

    2 years ago
  • The Tenderness of The Present Moment

    3 years ago
  • Awakening Through Kindness with Beth and Tadeja

    3 years ago