Breathe Love & Magic

Breathe Love & Magic


A practical and fun approach to spirituality to live your best life, discover success, grow, and maybe find love. Learn about magic, manifesting, energy healing, meditating, clearing, intuition, past lives, Akashic Records, channeling, mediumship, tarot readings, psychics, shamanism, spirit guides, angels, plant communication, nature spirits, dreams, higher self, and more, Insights apply to career, business, love, relationships, living spiritually and more. Open your heart, expand your mind and connect with spirit to embrace the magic that is all around you.

Recent Episodes

  • The Secret To Midlife: Learn To Trust Yourself & Live Authentically

    2 days ago
  • Heaven-Sent Dimes: Are Your Loved Ones Communicating?

    1 week ago
  • What Is Light Language & How Does It Helps You Heal & Evolve?

    2 weeks ago
  • Which Divine Feminine Goddess Appeals To You Most?

    3 weeks ago
  • How To Infuse Magic & Happiness Into Your Life

    1 month ago
  • If Your Manifesting Is Not Working, Try This!

    1 month ago
  • Earth Medicine Can Heal Your Womb, Cycle, & Divine Femininity

    1 month ago
  • Notice Synchronicity And Coincidences To Guide Your Journey

    2 months ago
  • Do You Believe in Life After Life? Connecting With The Other Side

    2 months ago
  • Intuitive Style And Spirituality Redefine Fashion Rules

    2 months ago