Worthy And Well Qualified – A Masonic Podcast

Worthy And Well Qualified – A Masonic Podcast


Join co-hosts Darrell McTague and Bryan Simmons as they discuss all things Masonic. Nothing (mostly) is off-limits or out-of-bounds. Prepare for blunt, honest, real conversations and plenty of laughs, too.

Fraternalism comes in many forms.

Masons often love to enjoy the company of their brothers over a good cigar. Some, so much so, that they even made a club for it.

Isn’t a cigar a cigar?

Say that to Right Worshipful Mike Douglas and you’ll get a thorough education on how that is very much NOT the case. Premium hand-rolled cigars are very different from cigarettes, and even from machine-rolled cigars. There are many organizations out there aiming to help make that differentiation and to protect our right to enjoy them.

In this episode, our co-hosts are joined by RW Mike Douglas. He shares a bit about himself and his Masonic “career”, and then we get a little cloudy. RW Douglas gives us a solid education on the finer points of premium hand-rolled cigars, and what makes them different from other tobacco products. He also tells us about the Brothers of the White Ash, how it began, and what it does.

What’s in this episode:

– We are joined by RW Mike Douglas, founder of the Brothers of the White Ash
– RW Douglas teaches us all about cigars, including

– what makes them different
– how they’re constructed
– what makes the varieties different

– and he also teaches us about the Brothers of the White Ash

– including how it was founded and what it does

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