Do You Know You? An Enneagram Podcast

Do You Know You? An Enneagram Podcast


A podcast by Empathy Architect co-founders and certified Enneagram experts, coaches and teachers, Sterlin Mosley and Aaron Addonizio. Sterlin and Aaron endeavor to set the record straight regarding the truth of the Enneagram (and other personality typologies) through real, honest, and at times, humorous reflection on the many facets of the human ego. It begs the question…”do you know you?” Because if you don’t, Sterlin and Aaron probably do.

Recent Episodes

  • Cultivating Presence with the Enneagram

    5 months ago
  • All About Threes...and a Little About Pickles

    5 months ago
  • All About Twos...and a Little About Beans

    9 months ago
  • All About Fives...and a Little About Honey Badgers

    10 months ago
  • Pitfalls on the Typology Path

    11 months ago
  • Will the Real Eights Please Stand Up?

    1 year ago
  • Fours Part 3: Demystifying Sexual Four

    2 years ago
  • The Journey to Finding Our Types: Sterlin (sx 478) - Part 1

    2 years ago
  • The Journey to Finding Our Types: Aaron (sp 614)

    2 years ago
  • Loosey Goosey with Ones

    2 years ago