Astrology for the Savvy

Astrology for the Savvy


Presenting a practical guide to what’s happening in the sky and what that means for you. On the first day of every month, you’ll receive fresh insights into what’s unfolding in the universe and practical ways to use it wisely. All the sky’s a stage!

February offers relief from the roller coaster that was January with the end of Mercury Retrograde. Unexpected relationships and unexpected love may shake you out of your gloomy existence this month. Plus, with the new moon in Aquarius, Laurence explains why early February is a good time to end unfulfilling relationships, and more in this installment of Astrology for the Savvy. Listen now to find out what February has in store for you. All the sky’s a stage!

Recent Episodes

  • Astrology for the Savvy: February 2022

    3 years ago
  • Astrology for the Savvy: January 2022

    3 years ago
  • Astrology for the Savvy: December 2021

    3 years ago