Pretend We’re Besties

Pretend We’re Besties


Welcome to Pretend We’re Besties, a podcast inspired by the conversations you would have with your best friend. A place where we will contemplate pretty much anything whether it seems life or death or really mundane. Ranging from self-improvement, philosophy, society, relationships, mental health, advice, hot topics; whatever is floating around in my mind. I’d argue one of the best parts of friendship is being able to talk about anything and everything and go really deep into random topics. Butttt sometimes my social battery is dead (really most of the time) but I’m still craving these types of convos. What better way for us all to get out of our heads and get a little thoughtful from the comfort of our solitude. This will be our little cozy space to pretend we’re besties and get into it. ♡ new episode every sunday my instagram:

Recent Episodes

  • confidence

    1 year ago
  • the single phase

    2 years ago
  • what i learned my first time out of the US

    2 years ago
  • the purpose of life ?

    2 years ago