maya and fola take over the world

maya and fola take over the world


fola and maya are internet friends turned irl friends and beautiful, intelligent girls with perfect opinions on everything.

Recent Episodes

  • the run of his life

    2 weeks ago
  • y2k + the early 2000s feat. mel douglas

    1 month ago
  • be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie

    2 months ago
  • clueless (1995)

    2 months ago
  • spring ting

    3 months ago
  • america's next top model

    4 months ago
  • she's kinda real idk feat. keara sullivan

    4 months ago
  • i am so much happier now that im dead

    5 months ago
  • eccentric black girl summit

    5 months ago
  • all about love

    5 months ago