Just Two Asian Women

Just Two Asian Women


On Just Two Asian Women, co-hosts Carolyn and Davy, invite you to join in on our candid conversations about life, politics, love, money, and whatever else we want to talk about. In each episode, Carolyn and Davy will dive into some insightful intersectional chit chat about our lives, our relationships, our friendship, our goals, our Asian-ness, our politics, and anything else on our minds. We hope to inspire you to join in on the conversation and feel empowered to start speaking candidly about the things you care about. Contact us at justtwoasianwomen@gmail.com.

Recent Episodes

  • Advice on How to Start a Podcast, Answering Qs from You, & a JTAW Farewell!

    3 years ago
  • Revisiting our 2021 Goals; Pivots, Managing Expectations, and New Goals

    3 years ago
  • Our Favorite Books & Other Literary Musings

    3 years ago
  • Shedding Our Skin through Growing Pains

    3 years ago
  • No Longer Apologizing! We're Kicking this "Sorry" Habit

    3 years ago
  • Feeling Belonged & When To Leave When You Don't Belong

    3 years ago
  • Independence from our Strict Asian Parents

    3 years ago
  • How to Be Happy

    3 years ago
  • Creating Spaces for Yourself Physically, Mentally & by Reclaiming your Time

    3 years ago
  • Violence Against Women & Rape Culture

    3 years ago