Just Between Friends

Just Between Friends


Just Between Friends is where you can listen in on a friend’s private conversation and leave feeling more connected than ever. If you’re into over-analyzing, having heartfelt conversations, agreeing to disagree, avoiding small talk, and getting to the meat of it, this might be for you. We’re Jess & Brynn, and with our almost 10 year age gap, we look at life differently. We’re here to combat loneliness while having good, deep, truthful conversations and talking about topics that matter. If you’re into that – we’d love to have you eavesdrop.

Recent Episodes

  • 005: Decision Making...Making the Right Choice Every Time

    2 years ago
  • 004: Knowing Yourself To Live In Integrity With Yourself

    2 years ago
  • 003: Living Through The Suck Is An Unavoidable Part Of Life

    2 years ago
  • 002: MLM - The good, the bad and the oh so very ugly truth!

    2 years ago
  • 001: How our internal identities shape what we do and who we become

    2 years ago