Jared to Jarad

Jared to Jarad


Hang out with us as we discuss all things philosophical, historical, societal and cultural. Let’s go to the movies, laugh about love, freak out about the end of times, and share ghost stories made for the campfire. The boys became friends in graduate school where Jared got his PhD and Jarad received his Masters. Subscribe, rate, and join Galactasism today! Reach the Jare/ads at: jaredtojarad@gmail.com

Recent Episodes

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis

    1 week ago
  • The Morals of an Alley Cat

    3 weeks ago
  • Mad Max

    1 month ago
  • Annointing a Leader

    5 months ago
  • Brother Dawn, Brother Day, & Brother Dusk

    5 months ago
  • Saké!!

    6 months ago
  • The Buffalo Storm

    6 months ago
  • Benedicto to Benedicto

    6 months ago
  • Holiday Special (Vol 2.): Brian to Brian

    7 months ago
  • Holiday Special (Vol 1.): Take a Look, It’s in a Book.

    7 months ago