GET REAL! With Mama Moynes

GET REAL! With Mama Moynes


On this talk show, your host Emily Moynes tackles listeners burning questions with a no bullshit attitude. Never shying away from giving her honest opinion, Emily dives into hot topics with the focus being on what she knows best… Rebuilding a Kick Ass Life after two failed marriages. Soon after ending her second marriage, Emily embarked on a transformative journey that would forever change her life. She has since penned her first book, started two business’s, and hosts a weekly podcast where she offers life lessons, rebuilding a kick ass life tips, advice on raising children as a single mom to the best kept beauty secrets and home decor expertise. Emily brings real talk with real people to a whole other level. It’s time to GET REAL!

Recent Episodes

  • Just Do It, Don't let fear stop you!

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  • Feb 28, Catching up

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  • Jan 27, 2024 how to break free from a narcissist

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  • Jan 22, 2024 Your most personal questions answered!

    6 months ago
  • Jan 17, 2024 don’t be afraid to try because you’re too afraid to fail

    7 months ago
  • Jan 14, 2024 why needless worry is just so pointless

    7 months ago
  • Jan 9, 2024 I’m back

    7 months ago
  • Divorce Regret

    2 years ago
  • How to Raise Good Kids!

    2 years ago
  • Chapter 8 /Own up and Rise up PART 2

    2 years ago