Breaking the Silence
by Reach 10
February 14, 2024 10:00 pm
This podcast and community breaks the silence, shame, and fear that often surrounds sexuality, unwanted pornography use, and betrayal trauma and helps you embrace your God-given sexuality with courage compassion and connection. People just like you share their stories of recovery and forgiveness and experts teach principles, share insights, and provide real tools to help you rebuild trust and develop healthy sexuality. Ask your questions anonymously and expert therapist, Rachel Denton, will answer them and discuss practical tools to help and gain insight as to how ecclesiastical leaders can play an effective and powerful role in your healing. Join Crishelle Simons as she breaks the silence and together we can create a culture of courage, compassion, and connection. This podcast is brought to you by Reach 10. Reach 10 is a non-profit with a mission to educate and help young adults overcome the effects of pornography and betrayal trauma and create healthy relationships with themselves and others. Join the community at @breakingthesilence_reach10 or visit We share these views to open the dialogue and educate on these tough issues and to create a healthier culture of sexuality. The opinions and views shared by the host or guests do not constitute as professional advice or services and do not necessarily reflect the views of Reach 10, and we don’t guarantee the accuracy of any statements you hear. Reach 10 is not responsible for your use of information heard in this podcast. We keep learning, and invite you to join us as we build a more open, compassionate, and courageous culture.
Recent Episodes
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1 year agoIntimacy Amplified: Building Trust and Connection with Tammy Hill [2.11]
1 year agoEcclesiastical Leader Series: What is the Role of the Bishop and What is My Role in Healing and Changing? [2.10]
1 year agoAsk a Therapist Series: Should I Stay or Should I Go? [2.9]
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1 year agoOvercoming the Shame of Being a Young Woman Struggling with Porn with Madi Davis [2.7]
1 year ago