Trade Tales

Trade Tales


Business of Home’s editor in chief Kaitlin Petersen talks to interior designers about nurturing creativity, finding a firm’s financial footing, setting goals and discovering their own version of success as a result.

Recent Episodes

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  • “Trust the process” is right there in Courtney McCleod’s onboarding letter [Rebroadcast]

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  • Donna Mondi on the search for a leadership structure that keeps her close to design

    1 month ago
  • Christopher Courts and Edel Legaspi on navigating a professional uncoupling

    2 months ago
  • Why Ali Budd wants to do design TV differently

    2 months ago
  • Why Kai Williamson lets her clients change their mind

    3 months ago
  • How the pursuit of simplicity defines Brian Paquette’s fee structure

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  • Want to build your brand authority quickly? How Michael Hilal looked abroad

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  • Why Georgia Zikas prizes people over process

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  • Christine Lin on putting client experience first

    4 months ago