Lean On Me

Lean On Me


Through stroke survivors’ stories, this podcast channel is dedicated to the caregivers. Whether they are a mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, friend, cousin, family member; they are all impacted when a loved one gets a serious injury, such as a stroke. A caregiver must step up and be involved. Yet, in taking on this vital role, they must put their own life on hold to help their loved one. They deserve enormous credit. At 32 years old, Jessica “Jess” McNair never saw stroke as a problem she would have to face. To her, strokes happened to the elderly or people with multiple risk factors. However, one morning she learned that strokes can happen to anyone. Jess woke up unable to see and experienced what doctors described as “cascades […]

Recent Episodes

  • The Lean On Me Stroke Podcast

    7 years ago