Up North Prevention

Up North Prevention


Up North Prevention is an initiative developed under the umbrella of Catholic Human Services. The purpose is to develop a unified approach across a large geographic service area, “to advance substance use prevention efforts in northern lower Michigan.” The initiative facilitates a strengthened framework of delivery, efficient resource allocation and the development of a regional familial purpose positioning prevention up front. www.upnorthprevention.org

Recent Episodes

  • Coffee With The Coalition #6

    3 years ago
  • Coffee With The Coalition #5

    3 years ago
  • Uncovering the Stigma of Medication Assisted Treatment

    3 years ago
  • Views on Medication Assisted Treatment

    3 years ago
  • Three Reasons for Fatal Overdose

    3 years ago
  • Life's Work Clinic - Adam DeVaney

    3 years ago
  • Myths Regarding Addiction

    3 years ago
  • What is Sublincane?

    3 years ago
  • Is it Possible to Overdose on Meth?

    3 years ago
  • Recovering From Meth Use

    3 years ago