SoberSoul Recovery: Addiction, Sobriety, and Beyond!

SoberSoul Recovery: Addiction, Sobriety, and Beyond!


I help people understand themselves better, make sense of their feelings, and learn from resentments and disappointments by using a heart-centered and holistic approach. We all want to live an authentic and fulfilling life…sometimes we just need a little help. Two of our most basic needs are to be connected and to feel loved. Without these, we feel a lack of purpose and isolated. When we feel alone, disconnected and insecure, we’re filled with negative thoughts and feelings of guilt and shame. Left unattended and unvalidated, these feelings take root, growing into resentments and increasingly unhealthy behaviors. If we lack positive feelings about ourselves it’s difficult to trust, communicate and feel safe in the world. I offer you a space to be listened to without judgment. A place of safety. And, when you are ready, a new perspective backed by a toolbox full of good techniques to uniquely help you reconnect with your inner world and improve your relationships. We tune into and check out your long held beliefs. We quiet those unkind unconscious messages and turn up your self confidence by identifying and supporting your strengths.

Recent Episodes

  • Is Jonah Hill Right? Understanding What Boundaries Are and How to Set Them for the Best Outcomes.

    1 year ago
  • Social Fitness, The Most Recommended Type of Exercise to Help You Live Longer

    1 year ago
  • Strengthening Your Well Mindedness and Learning How to Establish a Healthy Ritual or Routine

    1 year ago
  • 10 Surprising Facts About How Our Mind\/Brain Works and What These Things Can Teach Us.

    1 year ago
  • The Comparison Game and 5 Ways to Stop Judging Today!

    1 year ago
  • The Power of Learning to Be Your Most Authentic Self

    1 year ago
  • What Alcohol Does to Your Brain, Mind and Body

    1 year ago
  • How To Reduce Your "Negative Nelly" Thoughts And Build Self-Awareness

    1 year ago
  • Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) The Hidden Trauma of Our Time

    1 year ago
  • The Well Minded Podcast Trailer

    1 year ago