
IAMACOMEBACK is a movement by executives and business owners to get control over their drinking addictions. We’re on a mission to change the meaning of addiction and to put power back in the hands of men, effectively improving their relationships and businesses. Hosted by Mark Jennison, the man that is going to change your life.

Recent Episodes

  • How to Be A POWERFUL LEADER to Your Family

    4 days ago
  • Give Yourself Permission to LEVEL UP!

    2 weeks ago
  • How to Build Massive TRUST

    1 month ago
  • Mark's 44th Magnum Birthday Edition

    1 month ago
  • The Biggest Mistake That We Made

    2 months ago
  • You Don't Owe Anything to Anyone

    2 months ago
  • Bring PRIDE Back.

    3 months ago
  • Rest, Recovery and Rejuvenate As a High Performing Man

    3 months ago
  • Letting Your Old Self Die Everyday

    4 months ago
  • Starting a New Chapter in New Studio

    4 months ago