Elive Food – Food for Energized Living

Elive Food – Food for Energized Living


Elive food is a platform were people can be empowered through knowledge to take back control of their health and choose the nutrition path that is right for them. There is an importance of getting your body into a more alkaline state. There is power in having a certain mindset and a power that exists in asking questions. How do thoughts effect your health and how can one move toward holistic living to enrich the body, mind, and spirit. Elive food creates high nutritional products will share plant based recipes that are simple, nutritious and taste great. When you start with great ingredients, you end up with delicious meals. We will share how to read labels, eating while traveling and even recipes for kids. You can find our products in the following specialty markets.

Recent Episodes

  • Vegan's Transformation Story 360° - with Marilyn Kroplick from IDA

    3 years ago
  • Interview With Lisa Levinson - Carnivores Anonymous - (Part 2)

    4 years ago
  • Interview With Lisa Levinson - Carnivores Anonymous - (Part 1)

    4 years ago
  • Vegan Athlete Lifestyle for Women (Interview Galabina Kamenova - Super Body Fitness - Part 2)

    4 years ago
  • Vegan Athlete Lifestyle for Women (Interview Galabina Kamenova - Super Body Fitness - Part 1)

    4 years ago
  • Elive Food - Meet the Creator of Elive Food - Julie Atri. Vegan Lifestyle and Food that Energizes Living!

    5 years ago