Taster Tales
by Monica R Bolek
November 10, 2023 2:39 am
This Podcast travels to the tastebuds to shake your imagination. Tasters, flavor scientists, and aficionados of different drinks and spirits in any part of the world will tell their own stories tied to the beverage of their expertise. Each Tale will leave us with a taste of wine, coffee, chocolate, beer, tequila, whisky, rum, tea, and anything that can be poured into a glass.
If you are into taking a moment to connect with the flavors that came out of the sip you just had and if you stick your nose to the glass just for the fun of detecting aromas and just know that having a drink can be a significant experience beyond being thirsty, you are one of us.
Each episode exalts fascination for those with the discipline of tasting, studying, and understanding specific beverages as a way of living. You will not become an expert in any drink by listening to this Podcast, but you will surely gain another level of understanding to become aware and even thankful when you have something in your glass.
Those with experience on the tip of their tongue and nose throw surprising shots of knowledge and expand our curiosity on specific drinks you will keep discovering in each Taster Tale.
Cheers, may the stories behind each episode be a breath that inspires us and leaves us with a delicious taste in our mouths.
Taster Tales Podcast is structured by series and each episode is released organically rather than on a set schedule. Our collection of conversations continues in English and Spanish. Stay tuned for Taster Tales Series 02.
Contact us at www.tribelanders.com | hello@tribelanders.com
Recent Episodes
Taster Tales Trailer English
1 year agoTaster Tale 08. Pisco Streets.
1 year agoTaster Tale 07. The true kiss fo Mezcal - Part 2.
2 years agoTaster Tale 06. The true kiss of Mezcal - Part 1.
2 years agoTaster Tale 05. Tea Colors in a Trunk.
2 years agoTaster Tale 04. The Enigmatic Silence of Whiskey Part 2.
2 years agoTaster Tale 03. The enigmatic silence of Whiskey Part 1.
2 years agoTaster Tale 02. Coffee Feelings.
2 years agoTaster Tale 01. The Rum Table.
2 years agoIntro. El primer vaso.
2 years ago