Working Mumma

Working Mumma


How can I manage the juggle of being a mum and having a career? Welcome to the Working Mumma podcast to support your transition from maternity leave to working mum and beyond so you can thrive in motherhood and a career. I’m your host, Carina O’Brien, founder of Working Mumma and fellow working mum with 2 young boys. Join me each episode as I explore life returning to work after maternity leave and as a working mum with a mix of solo episodes, amazing interviews with experts, and women sharing their experiences of juggling life and motherhood. Each episode is focused on supporting women to have the resources, mindset, tools, and confidence to support them in successfully managing the juggle. As a working mum, I know it can feel lonely and isolating in wanting to have a career and be a mum. There is a lot of support out there relating to pregnancy and when we first have a baby. The next big phase is returning to work and juggling motherhood and career, but often we feel alone and unsupported in our quest to ‘have it all’. This leads us to doubting ourselves and our decisions. On the Working Mummast podcast, we help give you the tools, support & confidence so you can work, have a career and be a mum – you can have both. Continue the conversation on Instagram @workingmummacommunity or LinkedIn, access free resources or join the Working Mumma Village membership

Recent Episodes

  • Overcoming mum guilt and strategies to manage with Sarah Purins

    3 weeks ago
  • Navigating Mum Guilt at Childcare Drop-Off

    3 weeks ago
  • How to overcome guilt with self-care and the power of 'Me Time'

    1 month ago
  • How to return to work while breastfeeding with LC Sarah Thijs-Smit

    1 month ago
  • Redefining Roles: Mark’s Advocacy for Gender Balance at Home and Work

    1 month ago
  • Navigating your return to work after parental leave

    2 months ago
  • Challenging Mental Load Stereotypes to improve Gender Equality with Maja Paleka

    2 months ago
  • How to keep your relationship strong after having a baby with Laura Press

    2 months ago
  • MUM STORY: Brooke Hanson - Olympian, managing infant loss, mother to 4

    2 months ago
  • Why you need a plan to juggle motherhood and a career

    3 months ago